
Combating Gum Disease With Gingivectomy

What Is Gingivectomy Surgery?

A gingivectomy is a procedure to remove a portion of the gum tissue from around a tooth or teeth. It may be performed to heal the effects of periodontal disease or to correct overgrown gingiva. It is one of a few procedures that can help reverse periodontal issues. A similar procedure is gingivoplasty, which only partially removes a section of gum tissue rather than the entire section.

How Are Gingivectomies Performed?

These surgeries are typically completed with a surgical scalpel, though in some cases a low-frequency laser is used. The diseased gum tissue is trimmed and removed, and then the remaining tissue is reattached around the teeth with stitches, then carefully cleaned. A local anesthetic keeps the patient comfortable during the procedure. The recovery process typically takes less than a month.

Ask Dr.Pinkney-Gayle If Gingivectomy Is Right For you

If you struggle with overgrown gum tissue or gum disease, a gingivectomy might be the solution to get your oral health back where it should be. Give us a call at +1 876-620-8698-9, +1876 425-1513 (whatsapp) or send us an email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment so that Dr.Pinkney-Gayle can determine the best option for you.

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